My Protector
Lately at night you want to take a toy to bed with you. But I have a rule that no toys are allowed in bed. But, "they help me not have nightmares" you told me one night. I almost gave in, because you were so sincere about it. But instead we came to an agreement that one toy could lay on the floor next to your bed and if you had a nightmare you could pick up the toy at night and hold it so the nightmare would go away. You told me "that toy will protect me from having those nightmares." And so every night you lay a toy next to your bed and thank goodness it's still there when you wake up (which means you did not have a nightmare). The other day you came home from school and had a leaf that you were very excited to give me. You gave me the leaf and said "you put this next to your bed and it will protect you from having any nightmares." It was so sweet and you really meant it. And so that leaf lays on my nightstand every night and is my protector.

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