Cider Mill with Aunt Becky
Today Aunt Becky took you to the cider mill with some of your cousins. You really like playing with Joey and had a great time. Aunt Becky got some pictures too!
a little preschooler who loves life to the fullest
Today Aunt Becky took you to the cider mill with some of your cousins. You really like playing with Joey and had a great time. Aunt Becky got some pictures too!
Posted by
11:42 AM
today when I picked you up from school your teacher, Ms. Lacee, had a funny story to tell me about you. Apparently you told her that you had to go to the bathroom and so you went into the classroom bathroom and got your pants and pull-ups off and then decided to take your shirt off as well. Then you ran into the classroom running around, shouting, "I naked, I naked!" Your teacher was laughing so hard and tried to sternly tell you to go back to the bathroom and put your clothes back on. But should couldn't say it without a smile. She said you were just too funny! Oh the things that a toddler does!
Posted by
11:40 AM
I just had to take a couple pictures of you riding your four wheeler. You have really gotten the hang of driving it and can steer it just where you want to go. And now even when you get stuck, you know how to get off and turn it around and hop back on! Whenever you can get outside this is your favorite thing to do!
Posted by
7:01 PM
Your new room that you and Jacob are sharing is finished! You really seem to like playing in here and you are doing great sleeping in your new bed. Although you still keep calling the room Jakey's room and you still call the baby's room your room. I am sure in a few weeks you will be all adjusted though. I hope that you like your new room!
Posted by
11:12 AM