Sunday, December 25, 2005

Your First Christmas!

Merry Christmas! You really were not sure what Christmas was all about, but you did get the hang of opening presents. You loved all the new toys and gifts you got and had a wonderful time with all of your family.

There are tons of pictures here!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Seven Months

You are starting to learn so many new things! You figured out how to get around on your own! You started slowly army crawling around the living room and by the time Christmas came you were all over the house! Luckily you didn't take much interest in the tree until it was almost time to take it down. You love to explore everything in the house now, especially the drawers under Jacob's bed and in the kitchen, but you can't get into them just yet. You are just amazed at it rolling back and forth. The kitchen is your favorite place to be, especially when I am in there making dinner. You also love the outlets and electric cords. We had to cover all those up really fast! You are starting to use those legs and you can stand with Daddy or mine's help. And you love to bounce once you are standing. You said your first word, "dada," although you are still trying to figure out what it means. You love to talk and we pretend like we know what you are saying and talk with you. You started trying to drink from a sippy cup, you know that something is in there, but you can't always figure out how it comes out. You love you excer-saucer and will spend hours in there each day. You also will give out kisses, but only to a select few people! You also let us know that you want to be picked up by crawling over to our leg and hanging onto it. And of course we do because you are so huggable to hold!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Six Months

Look at all the New Things You Could Do!
Sit Up By Yourself
Take a Bath in the Bathtub
Hold Your Own Bottle
Bang Objects Together
"Play" with the Baby in the Mirror
Rock on Your Hands and Knees
(you are getting ready to crawl!)

You Also...
Had Your First Cold (11/6)

Weight: 21 pounds / Length: 28 Inches

Monday, October 31, 2005

Your First Halloween

You really had no idea what was going on for Halloween this year. Heck you are only 5 months old! But we dressed you up in a super cute frog costume and took you for a walk in your stroller for a little while. We even had you go to a couple of houses and get candy, but it was really just for me to take pictures!

More Halloween Pictures here.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Five Months

Look at all the New Things You Could Do!
Started Eating Baby Food (10/24)
Scoot on your Tummy
Roll Over Both Ways
Sleeping Through the Night
Go to Sleep on Your Own at Night!

Weight: 19 pounds

More Five Month Pictures here.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Four Months

Look at all the new things you could do!
Laugh out Loud
Roll Over Half Way
Scoot on Your Back
Making RaspberriesTrying to Eat Your Feet

You love playing in your excersaucer. You can sit up and see everything and you love playing with the toys that it has. Especially the plastic elephant, you love biting that thing!

Weight: 17 pounds / Length: 27 inches

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Yum, Yum

Here is a picture of you eating cereal for the first time. You loved it from the first spoonful! And couldn't wait to get more! More pics here.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Three Months

Smile, smile, smile, you always have smiles for everyone! I love getting you up in the mornings. You have this huge smile on your face that says, yah I get to wake up now! You love kicking your legs and feet when you get excited, which is very often. You are starting to hold onto your toys and play with them. And everything you can get your hands on goes right into your mouth. Your rattle is your favorite toy right now, you love the noises it makes when you shake it.

Weight: 15 pounds, 12 ounces

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Two Months

Wow, you are getting bigger and bigger. Your personality is coming to life more and more each day. You squeal with delight when you and I play together. You have started to find your ears, you eyes and your feet! And you have started sucking your thumb! You can see so much now and you take it all in, always wanting to see what is going on around you. You can even see the TV already! You like watching the news with daddy and I in the mornings and your Baby Einstein video mesmerizes you.

Weight: 13 pounds, 6 ounces

Thursday, June 23, 2005

One Month

I can't believe that you are already one month old. You started smiling!!! I just love it when your little faces lights up. You are also starting to coo and caa, like you are trying to talk to us. You like to lay back and stretch out as much as you can. And you have the cutest little sad face that you make right before you start to cry. I cant believe how much you have already grown. Your personality to starting to show and it's amazing how quickly you are becoming your own person

Weight: 11 pounds, 8 ounces

Monday, May 30, 2005

One Week Old

Today you are one week old. We went to your great-grandparents house for a Memorial Day BBQ. Everyone loved holding you, especially your great grandma and grandpa!

Lots of pictures here!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Birth Day!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Due Date!

Well today came and went and you have decided not to make your appearance just yet. I hope that we get to see you soon!

Sunday, May 1, 2005

Your Room

Here are some pictures of your room!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Baby Shower!

Becky gave me my baby shower and it was wonderful. Lots of pictures here!